What is Land Forest and Investment Info Shop?

The Land Forest and Investment Info Shop is a web-based repository for materials on land, forest and investment in Liberia.

Why a Land Forest and Investment Info Shop?

The Land Forest and Investment Info Shop is created to address four gaps: 1) To share similar methods and tools on Customary Land Formalization (CLF) by different actors among themselves and made accessible to the public in a structured manner; 2) To access complementary tools from other sources that could strengthen their efforts; 3) To share lessons from their efforts in an organized manner – to avoid the risk of repeating mistakes that have been documented by others; and 4) To enable actors in fully utilizing educational materials and guides already produced on Customary Land Formalization.

Who can use this Info Shop?

The Land Forest and Investment Info Shop is a free and open repository that can be accessed by the public including a wide range of stakeholders: – Researchers, Students, development workers and Policy Actors. The LIS serves as an important resource center especially for those actors who are engaged in Customary Land Formalization across Liberia.

What can I find on this Info Shop?

You can find:
  1. National laws, policies, regulations and guidelines related to land and forest;
  2. Materials on how to protect, strengthen and promote the land rights of communities including women, youth and minorities;
  3. Manuals and guides on how to support communities at different stages of the CLF process;
  4. Templates that have been developed to ensure consistency and uniformity for communicating different aspects of the CLF process;
  5. Communication materials featuring lessons learnt from CLF activities across Liberia; and
  6. Guidance for communities wishing to or engaging with other actors including private sector, government, NGOs, as well as internal elites.

The CRSF and IDH

CRSF is the Community Rights Support Facility, an institution dedicated to supporting communities to formalize their customary land and forest tenure rights and promote community stewardship of the natural resources within their domain. It adopts a strategic approach in its engagement with Government, Private Sector and other interests in the natural resource sector by engaging when it benefits communities. The CRSF focuses on technical support and implementation of natural resource related policies and laws, and shares information with CSOs engaging in advocacy.
IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative is a social enterprise that works with businesses, financiers, governments and civil society to realize sustainable trade in global value chains. IDH believes that action-driven coalitions will drive impact on the Sustainable Development Goals and create value for all. IDH in Liberia works on sustainable trade and improved landscape management, based on a Production Protection and Inclusion approach.

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