Land Forest and Investment Info Shop

Since 2005, Liberia has made progress reforming its forest, land and agriculture sectors. The policy and legal framework now governing forestry provides for inclusive community participation and revenue sharing between local populations and the central government. Similarly, the policy and legal framework governing land recognizes and legally protects Customary Land rights, regardless of whether a community’s land claim is documented or not. However, effectively implementing these new policies and laws remains a challenge. Learning and experience sharing amongst actors in these sectors also remain limited, which leads to duplication of efforts and repetition of mistakes.

This info shop aims to strengthen learning and experience sharing by making tools and guides, developed to enhance implementation of these laws and policies, accessible to stakeholders locally, nationally and internationally. Research and lessons learnt reports are also made available to minimize duplication of efforts and repetition of mistakes.

If you have any suggestions or experience any problems finding a material, please feel free to contact the Community Rights Support Facility.

National Laws, Policies & Regulations

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